Optical Design Software for Windows® and Mac OS
There are dozens of optical design software programs available from numerous vendors and developers. The following link presents a nearly complete list of programs for both Windows® and Mac OS:
Photonics Marketplace: Optical Design Software Programs
Included in the above list is dbOptic, an easy-to-use and inexpensive software program from Sky Scientific that can help you develop designs from a single lens or mirror to complex systems with up to 99 surfaces.
Engineering professionals, students and educators use this software to perform simple ray tracing or solve tough optical engineering, optical system design and imaging problems. dbOptic includes a fully integrated glass catalog and basic lens design library. An optional library of 2,500 additional lenses and systems from major optical manufacturers and suppliers is available at small additional cost. The following link provides additional information as well as a FREE download that allows you up to 30 days to review and evaluate the program before making a purchase:
Sky Scientific Optics + Book & Software Publishing​